Roll Hemming Meshing Tool

Sheet Metal Forming
ESI France

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Tool to mesh inner and outer parts based on Deltamesh before doing Roll-Hemming in Pamstamp

Changes vs version 1.0

  • 2 zones instead of 3 zones
  • Import tolerance between 2 zones is now available in the settings
  • 2 tools for 2 ranges of colors

How to install

Copy the file here attached, unzip it and launch the .exe corresponding to the Inner or Outer part.

How to use

1/Prepare CAD: It is necessary to have IGES prepared before in CATIA V5 with native colors as specified, else it won’t work. In CATIA:

With V2.0

Define 2 colors on the part: use the native colors from CATIA:

  • For inner parts:  Flat border faces in Yellow, Radius and rest in Green, then export as igs.
  • For outer parts: Flange and Radius in Red, and rest in Blue, then export as igs.

With V1.0

Define 3 colors on the part: use the native colors from CATIA V5: Flanges in Yellow, Radius in Blue, and Others in Green, then export as igs.


2/ In the Roll hemming meshing tool: select the igs file and click on the button Mesh (deltamesh licence is needed) 

Wait until mesh is finished

3/ A .fma file is generated with the same name as the igs used and in the same place as the igs file

4/ Import it in Pamstamp with import mesh by selecting the fma format type.

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