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- Visual-Environment 2024.0
Visual-Environment 2024.0
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ESI Visual-Environment 2024.0 is now available.
A few Highlights of this version include:
- Support for VPS 2024.0 in Visual-Crash PAM. Also included are updates in Connection Manager and Dummy Integration Workflow apart from other updates.
- In Visual-Cast, support for Air Entrainment pressure-based modeling and Electromagnetism apart from data mining through DataLab in the Optimization module.
- Smart Weld Sequence Manager in Visual-Weld (CSM) and Part Feasibility Analysis in Visual-Assembly.
- Display improvements in all the applications related to Composites.
- Improvements in node drop ad curve offset apart from updates in CAD import in Visual-Mesh.
- Updates in Visual-SDK Batch including support for esiCORA rating, curve injury functions and curve operations.
For more detailed updates in all modules, please refer to the release notes.
Highlights of Visual-Environment 2024.0.1 update includes:
- Visual-Crash PAM:
- Solver Version Manager updates
- Visual-Seat
- Visual-Seat (Whiplash): "C-NCAP Neck Injury Report" under "Regulations" is now updated as per 2018.
- Visual-Seat (Static Comfort): under the "Compare with" option in "Edit SAEJ2896 Results", the different studies are clearly distinguished by color coding.
- Process Executive: wherein Custom Process Templates can be executed, is included in Application Manager > Automotive Solutions > Seat.
- Customer-specific /General bugs are addressed in the following applications :
- Visual-Crash PAM
- Visual-Seat
- Visual-SDK
- Visual-Assembly
- Visual-Viewer
- (Visual) Weld-Rupture
For detailed updates related to Visual-Environment 2024.0.1, please refer to the release notes Rev B.
ESI-Player 7.0
This version of ESI-Player 7.0 is connected to Visual-Environment 2024.0 sources.
For more detailed updates about ESI-Player 7.0, please refer to the release notes.
Documentation Files