Software Downloads

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SimulationX 4.5.2
ESI’s SimulationX®  4.5 places a key focus on usability and user experience. New libraries and functions enable, e.g., the automation of workflows and the embedding of publicly available fluid definitions. The full move towards token licensing provides fully flexible access to the compl...

Virtual Seat Solution 2016.0
ESI Virtual Seat Solution is a solution dedicated to the virtual prototyping of seats. It empowers OEMs and seat suppliers to design, manufacture, test, improve and pre-certify their seat prototypes, fully and virtually, without the need for costly physical prototypes. This version is based on the f...

NOVA 2016.0
ESI Nova 2016 offers a range of upgraded and new functionality, below a few highlights are listed: Two classes of Design Parameters are added the Equivalent Medium property the User’s Defined Transfer Matrix property Three new classes of Frequency Dependent parameter are added Equivalent Bulk Modul...

FOAM-X 2016.0
ESI Foam-X 2016 offers a range of upgraded and new functionality, below a few highlights are listed: The project file of Foam-X is now in XML format The major windows and tioolbars have been updated and reorganized for an improved user experience A new Fabric module has been added A database has bee...