Simulation-Based System Reliability Analysis of Electrohydraulic Actuator with Dual Modular Redundancy

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System Modeling
failure detection system, reliability, digital twin, machine learning

“Simulation-Based System Reliability Analysis of Electrohydraulic Actuator with Dual Modular Redundancy” published as a paper at the 12th International Fluid Power Conference 2020 in Dresden, Germany.

Abstract. The paper describes a failure detection system of an electro-hydraulic actuator with dual modular redundancy based on ESI's Hybrid Twin™ concept. ESI's Hybrid Twin™ is a combination of a virtual twin, which operates in parallel with the actuator and represents its ideal behavior, and a digital twin, which identifies possible failures based on the residuals of sensor readings. Simulation-based system reliability analysis helps in creating a data set to train the digital twin with machine learning algorithms. A systematic approach to detect failures based on decision trees as well as the process used to analyze the quality of the result is described.

Maxim Andreev, Artem Kolesnikov, Uwe Grätz, Julia Gundermann - ESI Group, Germany
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