Composites Python for Visual-Environment

Apply python programming scripts unique to ESI software to enable automation and optimization of CAE Workflows. Utilize Python Libraries in both preprocessing, solving and postprocessing.
CAE Engineers willing to automate tasks and speed-up processes.

Basic understanding of any VE context


Embark on a journey into the realm of Python programming, customized specifically for Visual Environment (VE), with our comprehensive course. Designed and curated for CAE professionals and enthusiasts alike, this course equips you with a solid foundation in standard Python concepts and libraries essential for VE integration. Participants will explore the rich ecosystem of Python libraries seamlessly integrated within VE from meshing and preprocessing to solving and post-processing, these libraries provide powerful tools for automating and optimizing CAE workflows.

お探しのものが見つかりませんでしたか? カスタマイズトレーニングを依頼

Day 1

Introduction to Python

  • Introduction to Python
  • Basic Syntax
  • Control flow
  • Functions
  • Classes and Object-Oriented Programming
  • Modules
  • File I/O
  • Command line arguments

Python for VE

  • Version, compatibility, and installation
  • Libraries
    • Introduction to various libraries in VE
    • VistaDb library
    • Viewer library
  • General syntax in VE API codes
  • API Help