Technical papers

Coupled Vibro-Acoustic and CFD Modeling Solution for Complex-Shaped Mufflers Subject
Flow within a duct strongly affects the propagation of acoustic waves. This effect must be addressed by the vibroacoustic modeling of duct systems that are subject to flow. The effective sound propagation speed in a…
CFD, Vibro-Acoustics

Electric Steelmaking Coupled Multiphysics Simulation by Finite Elements
State of the art computer aided coupled multiphysics simulation tools can be advantageous in the understanding and design of industrial processes. This paper presents such a tool for electric steelmaking, metallurgical…

Advanced RADAR Sensors Modeling for Driving Assistance Systems Testing
With Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) getting always more sophisticated, the related Virtual Prototyp-ing platforms have to propose a very high level of accuracy with improved flexibility regarding vehicles,…
Electromagnetics ADAS, RADAR sensors, Virtual Prototyping, Driving Simulators, ESI Pro-SiVIC™ platform

Alternative Solution Algorithms For Primal And Adjoint Incompressible Navier-Stokes
Regardless of the specific discretisation framework, the discrete incompressible Navier-Stokes equations present themselves in the form of a non-linear, saddle-point Oseentype system. Traditional CFD codes typically…
CFD Oseen Preconditioners, Adjoint Navier-Stokes, Block-Coupled, SIMPLEC, V-Coupled, Augmented Lagrangian.

Using CFD flow fields to inform acoustic finite element models of complex mufflers with thermal and flow effects
Many actual muffler systems with complex geometry have large temperature variations and large variations in the flow field under normal operating conditions. Often perforated regions and other complex design elements…
CFD, Vibro-Acoustics CFD flow, complex mufflers, thermal and flow effects, CFD VA coupling

A Mixed Hybrid Finite Volume Scheme For Incompressible Navier-Stokes
Mixed Virtual Elements (MVE) is an innovative class of discretization schemes allowing solution of PDEs on virtually any mesh; such schemes stem from the idea of building discrete operators mimicking certain key…

Numerical Coupling Models for Complex Systems and Results
The paper gives a status of present electromagnetic (EM) coupling modeling capabilities. Starting from topologically designed systems, it shows how formal rules of the EM topology approach can provide guidance for EM…
Electromagnetics electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), electro- magnetic topology, numerical modeling

Analysis of 24GHz Vehicle Radar Performance with MAZDA
From the standpoint of vehicle appearance, vehicle radar units should be located behind plastic bumpers. Plastic bumpers are made of dielectric material, which causes reflection, scattering, refraction, and diffraction…

Electromagnetic Field Vulnerability of Complex System
In complex systems like ships or airplanes many tasks vital to the function of the system are executed by electronic equipment. Earlier research Camp (2004)– Nitsch (2005) has shown that there are frequency ranges in…

Simulating the Electromagnetic Susceptibility of Automotive Vehicles in collaboration with RENAULT
The tremendous increase in the use of electronic devices in the automotive sector is leading to hard-to-manage EMC situations. The Joint Study presented in this paper is demonstrating the ability of Numerical EMC to be…