Tips & Tricks

Collisions- Detection, Handling, Solid Mechanics Workflow (long form)
Video example of the complete workflow to define interactions needed to validate the assembly/installation/removal of a component using Solid Mechanics for Rigid Bodies in IC.IDO
José Terrades Cuquerella Virtual Reality

Collaborate in IC.IDO w/ remote sites, no IDO.Cooperate
Conducting and sharing an review of new assembly or service processes for new products and associated working environments when not all participants have ability or desire to join via IC.IDO.Cooperate funtionality. Such as screen sharing with web meeting tools like MS Teams, Google Meet, Zoom, or Webex.
Eric Kam Virtual Reality

How to avoid Self-Collision of Elastic1D objects
This article describes how to enable the check for self-collision of elastic1d objects in IC.IDO 13.1, and to avoid such self-penetration.
Frank Schoeffel Virtual Reality

Running IC.IDO on a 4K monitor (Admin)
When running IC.IDO on a high DPI / 4K monitor, the Desktop UI layout looks "broken" and parts are unreadable. Since Windows 10 version 1803, there is a setting that helps to get the IC.IDO Desktop UI being displayed properly.
Frank Schoeffel Virtual Reality

SteamVR Binding errors when using HTC Vive Tracker (ADMINISTRATOR)
Recent Vive Tracker Changes: Latest SteamVR Updates in October 2018 have changed the default behavior for Vive Trackers, and it is causing some confusion. We want to explain how to mitigate the setup for using Vive Tracker with IC.IDO.
Virtual Reality

New Physics Solver "ICA Stiff Solver" (USER)
IC.IDO 12.1 introduces the next generation of physics solver. The new solver focuses on improvements of performance and stability in general, but also puts focus on Elastic1D-Elastic1D and Elastic1D-Rigid contact situations resulting in improved collision handling and more realistic deformation of the Elastic1D shape. The new Physics Solver ‘ICA Stiff Solver’ is the new default solver in 12.1. This article explains about the main differences and improvements compared to the earlier solver, and gives hints for how to work with the new solver for achieving best user experience.
Frank Schoeffel Virtual Reality

Abderrazak Mejdi Virtual Performance

Abderrazak Mejdi Virtual Performance

DMP計算(Distributed Memory Parallel、分散メモリ並列計算)では、計算モデル(メッシュ)を指定した数に領域分割(Domain Decomposition)し、計算を行います。
Abderrazak Mejdi Virtual Performance

Abderrazak Mejdi Virtual Performance