Tips & Tricks

Creating Multiple Blocks from a Single Mouse Click
Computational Fluid Dynamics initiated in structured grid context for smooth and orthogonal structured grid on relatively simple geometries. Today, CFD has evolved encompass multi block and overlapping structured grid techniques for complex geometries, along with other mesh types such as tetrahedrals, polyhedrals, and prisms.
Abraham Meganathan CFD

Visual Display of Bad Cells in CFD-VisCART
Most models have certain parts or regions where the grid density needs to be higher than other areas to accommodate for steep curvatures, sharply changing topology, etc.
Abraham Meganathan CFD

Handling Multiple holes for surface operations in CFD-GEOM
In the past, cutting or filling holes in surfaces with CFD-GEOM required a two step process; 1) pick the surface 2) pick the closed set of curves that forms the hole. Not a bad process but in the case of having to cut the surface with multiple holes, it was quite inefficient since you could only cut one hole at a time.
Abraham Meganathan CFD

Edge Substitution for surfaces in CFD-GEOM
The Edge Substitution tool in CFD-GEOM is designed to make it easy to modify surface boundaries. It allows you to replace the lines/curve of a surface with edges, and vice versa.
Abraham Meganathan CFD

Local Curve Meshing in CFD-GEOM
Computational geometries/assemblies often involve parts that may vary in scale. Although unstructured surface meshing adapts to the size of the geometry, in some cases there may not be sufficient grid density in specific regions of your model.
Abraham Meganathan CFD

Digital Signal Processing using CFD-VIEW
Signals (stream of data) obtained from physical or numerical experiments often require additional processing to understand/interpret the physics they represent. The processing of signals through digital means is termed Digital Signal Processing (DSP).
Abraham Meganathan CFD

Geometric Precision and Filtering in CFD-GEOM
In many cases, CAD models can be dirty and thus do not import well into CFD-GEOM. Repairing these geometries can often take considerable time and effort. Many times, duplicate points, lines, and surfaces are created when importing CAD geometries.
Abraham Meganathan CFD

Using Local and Global Body Fit Factors in CFD-VisCART
The 'Body-fit Factor' is a percentage value used to determine how closely the Cartesian mesh front faces are projected to the real geometric surfaces. In other words, the Body-fit factor controls grid quality versus geometric fidelity. The value is between 0% and 100%, where 0%means no projection and 100% means complete projection to the surface.
Abraham Meganathan CFD

Surface facet selection tool in CFD-VisCART
CFD-VisCART has always allowed surface selection where any surface can be selected by clicking on the graphics area or in the explorer window. Additionally, there is Facet Selection tool that allows the user to select individual facets or triangles of a surface (each surface is composed of triangulated faces called facets).
Abraham Meganathan CFD

Plotting Multiple Variables in the CFD-VIEW Plotter
Plotting two or more variables on same plot having values of different magnitude/scale becomes difficult or many times impossible. In these cases plotting data with multiple Y-axes becomes very useful and sometimes necessary.
Abraham Meganathan CFD