Tips & Tricks

Improve trimming with Overshoot
Trimming in PAM-STAMP can fail due to a too short trimming segment curve leading to not cut properly the blank mesh. This can be solved by using Overshoot option in PAM-DIEMAKER for CATIA V5.
Matthias Hoss Sheet Metal Forming

PAM-STAMP solver 2018.0.1 - Troubleshooting
Recommended file exchange in case of unexpected solver stop without error message. MPI change in case plateform mpi issue in DMP
Martin Holecek Sheet Metal Forming

Trim and Shear Angles
Explanations about Trim and Shear Angles
Matthias Hoss Sheet Metal Forming

Crash when launching Visual on CentOS
On Linux, at moment of launching Visual-Environmnet, crash happens after having selected Visual Weld. It is possible to try following steps to solve the problem. - Launching Visual in debug mode - Downgrade GlibC to 2.12 - Install freshly NTP
Yonggang Duan Virtual Integration Platform, Welding & Assembly

Abderrazak Mejdi Virtual Performance

Visual-Viewer 12.5ではモジュラーマテリアルに対応するGUIが導入されました。
Abderrazak Mejdi Virtual Integration Platform

Abderrazak Mejdi Virtual Performance

Abderrazak Mejdi Virtual Integration Platform

DMP計算(Distributed Memory Parallel、分散メモリ並列計算)では、計算モデル(メッシュ)を指定した数に領域分割(Domain Decomposition)し、計算を行います。
Abderrazak Mejdi Virtual Performance

『Material Editerを使用した物性値の読み込み』
Visual Crash Pam(VCP)で新規モデルを作成する際、Append機能を用いて他のモデルからMaterial Dataインポートすることが可能ですが、その際に不要なデータまで読み込んでしまう場合があります。
Abderrazak Mejdi Virtual Integration Platform