Tips & Tricks

Horse saddle distortion modelling in Visual Weld
Welding of structures involves complex interactions between thermal, metallurgical and mechanical phenomena leading to residual stresses and distortions, which play a major role during subsequent service of these structures. Controlling material characteristics, residual stress and keep distortion within tolerances via the computer can significantly enhance the performance, the quality of the product and the structure’s service life
Mandikizinoyou Taro Sheet Metal Forming, Virtual Manufacturing, Multiphysics, Welding & Assembly

Overview of CSM Welding Advisor in Visual Environment 18.0.2
This tip is to give an overview of new CSM welding advisor in Visual Environment 18.0.2. This new advisor comes in replacement of Visual Welding advisor and uses Assembly solver to perform transient welding simulation.
Mandikizinoyou Taro Sheet Metal Forming, Virtual Manufacturing, Welding & Assembly

Demonstrator of typical Stamp-Assembly process in automotive BiW manufacturing
New Stamp-Assembly non-confidential tutorial available
Jan Bejvl Sheet Metal Forming, Welding & Assembly, Virtual Integration Platform

e-Café #1- Construire sa propre carte matière MMAT à l’aide de Visual-Crash PAM
Construire sa propre carte matière MMAT à l’aide de Visual-Crash PAM
Maximilien Jouy Virtual Performance

Abderrazak Mejdi Virtual Performance

Abderrazak Mejdi Virtual Performance

DMP計算(Distributed Memory Parallel、分散メモリ並列計算)では、計算モデル(メッシュ)を指定した数に領域分割(Domain Decomposition)し、計算を行います。
Abderrazak Mejdi Virtual Performance

Abderrazak Mejdi Virtual Performance

VP Solverには対象物をモデル化するのに便利な機能や設定が数多く用意されていますが、それぞれがどのように機能するか、リファレンスマニュアルの記述だけで把握するのは難しい場合ががあります。そのような時はソルバーに同梱されているサンプルモデルをご確認ください。
Abderrazak Mejdi Virtual Performance

『Selective output』
Selective outputは、評価プロセスに必要な結果だけを出力可能とする機能になります。
Abderrazak Mejdi Virtual Performance