Tips & Tricks

"Preserve Feature" option in CFD-VisCART
When dealing with the multi-domain mesher in CFD-VisCART, the ‘Preserve Feature’ option can help you get a mesh that closely follow the original geometry. The meshing algorithm controls the refinement based on the detected ‘Critical Features’ or ‘Outlines’. Therefore, it is very important to detect critical features and outlines prior to mesh generation.
Abraham Meganathan CFD

Local cell size control option in CFD-VisCART
It is often necessary to refine or coarsen the mesh in some regions of your model, whether it be to allow the solver to correctly capture gradients of variables (refinement), or reduce the mesh density in some areas to lower the total cell count. In CFD-VisCART, there are many options that enable local mesh refinement.
Abraham Meganathan CFD

Surface mesh coarsening option for Shrink-Wrapped meshes
When generating a shrink-wrapped surface mesh, one could end up with a large number of faces (triangles) in an attempt to capture small features. The Mesh Decimation tool in CFD-VisCART allows the user to reduce the number of faces without losing features preserved during the skrink-wrapping process.
Abraham Meganathan CFD

Cell Size Growth Control in CFD-VisCART
In CFD-VisCART, the Cartesian cells can split or grow by a minimum factor of 2 because of the intrinsic cartesian-cell-splitting algorithm. Due to this, in some cases, there is a chance that the mesh could grow from dense (at the wall) to coarse (away from the wall) within a short distance.
Abraham Meganathan CFD

Wireframe Display in CFD-VisCART
Rotation, zoom, pan and other graphical operations require re-drawing of the model in the new position within the graphics window. When dealing with large models, these operations can slow down considerably due to the huge amount of graphical data that needs to be processed and re-drawn.
Abraham Meganathan CFD

Inverting Models in CFD-CADalyzer
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) requires the discretization of a geometry bounded by it's wetted surfaces. In CAD, the solid parts are created without the corresponding fluid volumes, i.e. negative space.
Abraham Meganathan CFD

Visual Display of Bad Cells in CFD-VisCART
Most models have certain parts or regions where the grid density needs to be higher than other areas to accommodate for steep curvatures, sharply changing topology, etc.
Abraham Meganathan CFD

Using Local and Global Body Fit Factors in CFD-VisCART
The 'Body-fit Factor' is a percentage value used to determine how closely the Cartesian mesh front faces are projected to the real geometric surfaces. In other words, the Body-fit factor controls grid quality versus geometric fidelity. The value is between 0% and 100%, where 0%means no projection and 100% means complete projection to the surface.
Abraham Meganathan CFD

Surface facet selection tool in CFD-VisCART
CFD-VisCART has always allowed surface selection where any surface can be selected by clicking on the graphics area or in the explorer window. Additionally, there is Facet Selection tool that allows the user to select individual facets or triangles of a surface (each surface is composed of triangulated faces called facets).
Abraham Meganathan CFD

Integer Cell Size Specification in CFD-VisCART
As it was explained in a previous tip called Understanding cell-splitting in CFD-VisCART and its effect on cell count, a small change in a specified cell size could lead to drastic changes in the cell count due to the cell-splitting rules used by CFD-VisCART.
Abraham Meganathan CFD