OpenFOAM - Aeroacoustics (AAC)

Learn how to use effectively OpenFOAM to Aeroacoustics, Hydroacoustics and Hydro/Aero-Vibroacoustics simulations. Learn industrial best practices. Learn AAC theory and modeling options to improve your simulations accuracy, stability, and robustness.
CFD Engineers with interest in Aeroacoustics, Hydroacoustics and Hydro/Aero-Vibroacoustics.

This course covers Theoretical and Applied concepts in Computational Aeroacoustics (CAA) using OpenFOAM, touching on progressive Multiphysics design challenges, e.g. Aero-Vibro-acoustics (AVA). The course organisers are leading experts in flow-noise source prediction, propagation and noise abatement in all engineering sectors including transportation (Automotive, Aerospace, Marine, Rail), energy, power generation, building environment and turbomachinery.

お探しのものが見つかりませんでしたか? カスタマイズトレーニングを依頼

Day 1

  • Basics - aeroacoustics source and propagation mechanisms, including a shallow dive into classical theory
  • Narrowband (tonal) and broadband flow noise
  • Spatial and Temporal considerations (mesh and time-step)
  • Turbulence and wall-modelling
  • Steady-state: fast approximations of source mechanisms and ratings
    • Surface based (shear-flow correlation)
    • Volume based (Lilley-Proudman correlation)
  • Transient:
    • Appropriate physics modelling and boundary conditions for aeroacoustics
    • Numerical control settings in OpenFOAM
  • Pure acoustics in OpenFOAM?
  • Spectral postprocessing using the built-in OpenFOAM point-based and surface-based temporal-Fourier analysis tools
  • Noise Propagation to the far-field using acoustics analogies, e.g. Curle
  • General hints and tips
  • Insights into coupling with Acoustic propagation codes for acoustics and vibroacoustics using SEA, FEA and BEM