Software Downloads

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PAM-STAMP 2017.5.1
ESI PAM-STAMP 2017.5.1 fixes an important bug on assembly and flexforming related features. It is highly recommended to install it on top of V2017.5 (especially to run assembly and/or flexforming).   ESI PAM-STAMP 2017.5.2 -  PATCH (released on Dec 7, 2017) This patch fixes an important bug on compe...

ACE+ Suite 2017.5
ESI ACE+ Suite of Advanced CFD & Multiphysics software applications, enable coupled simulations of fluid, thermal, chemical, biological, electrical and mechanical phenomena. V2017.5 brings several new features and enhancements to existing features. Key highlights of this release: ACE+ Solver: Th...

FOAM-X 2017.0
ESI FOAM-X 2017 offers a range of upgraded and new functionality as well as corrections, please see the release notes for more information.

Virtual Seat Solution 2017.0
ESI Virtual Seat Solution is a solution dedicated to the virtual prototyping of seats. It empowers OEMs and seat suppliers to design, manufacture, test, improve and pre-certify their seat prototypes, fully and virtually, without the need for costly physical prototypes. This version is based on the f...

PAM-STAMP 2017.5
ESI PAM-STAMP 2017.5 release continues with efficiency improvements for the setup and analysis of complete line die simulations. In particular the new gravity fit and the possibility to use very refined meshes with up to 10 million elements for large flexible blanks contribute to achieving a major g...

Virtual Performance Solution 2017.0
ESI Virtual Performance Solution 2017 is a unique solution allowing manufacturers to face emerging design challenges — including those related to lightweight and green vehicles — while avoiding over-engineering. It enables design and simulation engineers to test rapidly their innovations on virtual...

ACE+ Suite 2017.0-P1
ESI ACE+ Suite 2017.0 Patch 1 release includes several bug fixes and improvements. Highlights of this Patch release: CFD-VisCART: Several bug fixes related to grid adptation, feature capturing geometry intersection and splitting CFD-ACE+ Solver: Bug fixes related to Radtherm output Bug fixes related...

NOVA 2017.0
ESI NOVA 2017 offers a range of upgraded and new functionality, see the release notes for more details.  

ACE+ Suite 2017.0
ESI ACE+ Suite 2017.0 release brings forth enhancements specifically aimed at helping our users build, analyze, and improve design alternatives easily and rapidly. Additionally, the new release has dedicated improvements for our customers in the automotive, aerospace, and semiconductor industries. K...

PAM-STAMP 2017.0
PAM-STAMP 2017.0 release enables the user to be far more efficient with the setup and analysis of complete line die simulations, whether investigating a quick feasibility variant or an in-depth validation of the entire sheet metal forming process. Highlights of the release: Revised graphical interfa...

ACE+ Suite 2016.0-P2
ESI ACE+ Suite 2016.0 Patch 2 release includes several bug fixes and improvements. Highlights of this Patch release: CFD-ACE+: Bug fixes related to electroplating and removal of distortions in cycle-averaged quantities in parallel restart of CCP simulations. CFD-CADalyzer: Bug fixes related to symme...

Virtual Seat Solution 2016.0
ESI Virtual Seat Solution is a solution dedicated to the virtual prototyping of seats. It empowers OEMs and seat suppliers to design, manufacture, test, improve and pre-certify their seat prototypes, fully and virtually, without the need for costly physical prototypes. This version is based on the f...

NOVA 2016.0
ESI Nova 2016 offers a range of upgraded and new functionality, below a few highlights are listed: Two classes of Design Parameters are added the Equivalent Medium property the User’s Defined Transfer Matrix property Three new classes of Frequency Dependent parameter are added Equivalent Bulk Modul...

FOAM-X 2016.0
ESI Foam-X 2016 offers a range of upgraded and new functionality, below a few highlights are listed: The project file of Foam-X is now in XML format The major windows and tioolbars have been updated and reorganized for an improved user experience A new Fabric module has been added A database has bee...

Virtual Seat Solution 2015.0
ESI’s Virtual Seat Solution is a solution dedicated to the virtual prototyping of seats. It empowers OEMs and seat suppliers to design, manufacture, test, improve and pre-certify their seat prototypes, fully and virtually, without the need for costly physical prototypes.   Benefits Reduced cost and...

PAM-STAMP 2015.1
PAM-STAMP 2015.1: a complete solution from concept and styling to try-out and part production. Highlights of the new release: Piece cost estimation and nesting Complete solution for die face surfacing and validation, based on geometry, including CAD cleanup Friction work and plasticity as heat sourc...

NOVA 2015.0
ESI NOVA is a multipurpose acoustics prediction tool based on the transfer matrix method (TMM). This method is essentially based on the representation of plane wave propagation in different media in terms of transfer matrices. This approach easily allows for multi-layers made up from a combination o...

PAM-STAMP 2015.0
The Professional Solution for Sheet Metal Forming Simulation

FOAM-X 2015.0
ESI FOAM-X is an advanced software used for defining acoustical properties of open-cell porous materials, perforated plates and resistive layers, based on (1) impedance tube measurements following ASTM E1050 or ISO 10534-2, or (2) transmission tube measurement following ASTM E2611. The parameters fo...