SimulationX - Advanced Modeling

Learn more about the flexible modeling capabilities in SimulationX to build user-adapted models with more complexity or own model libraries.

The focus of this course is the vast modeling possibilities of SimulationX. Participants will learn how to create extensive libraries via the TypeDesigner (integrated Modelica wizard) without programming knowledge. Furthermore, you will learn how to create your own functions, calculation blocks, model types, and model libraries. Many examples demonstrate the handling.

日程 Duration Training type 場所 言語 Price
- 9am - 1pm CEST Live - Online EMEA / ASIA English 600 € - euro REGISTER
- 9am - 1pm CEST Live - Online EMEA / ASIA English 600 € - euro REGISTER
お探しのものが見つかりませんでしたか? カスタマイズトレーニングを依頼

Day 1

  • Type and library management
  • Creating new libraries
  • Creating own types
  • Using reusable blocks and functions
  • Clear design of property dialogs
  • Branching of equation systems
  • Use of characteristic curves and maps
  • Implementation of loops and iteration procedures
  • Implementation of a database connection
  • Exercises (selection of these will be used in training):
    • Different spring/damper models
    • Function for tension/compression stress calculation
    • Rope model
    • PWM (pulse width modulation, three variants)
    • Euclidean algorithm
    • Intersection of twcurves with the Newton algorithm
    • Management of data sets by means of records, among other things