Technical papers

Modeling of structure-borne underwater radiated noise using a small reference structure
Increased environmental awareness has created the need in commercial shipping, in addition to established military requirements, to understand and manage structure-borne machinery noise radiated to water. Noise created…

Using CFD flow fields to inform acoustic finite element models of complex mufflers with thermal and flow effects
Many actual muffler systems with complex geometry have large temperature variations and large variations in the flow field under normal operating conditions. Often perforated regions and other complex design elements…
CFD, Vibro-Acoustics CFD flow, complex mufflers, thermal and flow effects, CFD VA coupling

SEA Modeling And Validation Of A Truck Cab For Sound Package Optimization
Consumers and regulations drive the noise requirements to levels constantly decreasing. For vehicles, noise control strategies include the application of noise control treatments on the vibrating panels. The definition…

A hybrid Finite Element-Transfer Matrix method for the modeling of vibroacoustic systems with attached noise control treatment
This paper is concerned with the development of a hybrid methodology to speed up finite element analysis in vibroacoustic applications. The approach aims at avoiding the finite element modeling of the noise control…

Wind Noise Contribution to Vehicle Interior SPL
Recent developments in the prediction of the contribution of wind noise to the interior SPL (Sound Pressure Level) have opened a realm of new possibilities. The main physical mechanisms related to noise generation…

A robust spot weld model for structural vibration analysis
A finite element spot weld is proposed. The model is only weakly sensitive to element size, in contrast to some existing models, for which predictions of the static and dynamic responses can be strongly sensitive to the…
Vibro-Acoustics finite element analysis, spot weld, sensitivity, structural dynamics, robustness

Fully trimmed vehicle models with poroelastic finite element method, modelling technics
The automotive industry is currently expressing a strong need to understand more into details the influence of the trim parts on the acoustic response in the vehicle in the case of structureborne or airborne excitations…

Acoustic Test Prediction and Correlation for the SGEO Satellite Platform STM Model
Spacecraft structural designs have to be designed and verified for a number of mechanical environments, namely:
  • Quasi-static loads
  • Sinusoidal vibration
  • Acoustic Noise
  • Shock…

Design Loads and Random Vibration Specifications for Spacecraft instruments
After a first estimation based on statistics, the design loads for instruments are generally estimated by coupled spacecraft/instrument sine analysis once an FE-model of the spacecraft is available. When the design…

Predicting SC Acoustic Tests Using the Boundary Element Method
This paper focuses on how to effectively predict random acceleration spectra experienced during spacecraft (S/C) acoustic qualification tests representing the acoustic environment at launch by using a fully coupled…