Tips & Tricks

Computation Manager - Basic & Advanced mode
The computation manager help users to generate the computation input with parameters adapted to the model to study
Sandrine Dischert Multiphysics

SteamVR Binding errors when using HTC Vive Tracker (ADMINISTRATOR)
Recent Vive Tracker Changes: Latest SteamVR Updates in October 2018 have changed the default behavior for Vive Trackers, and it is causing some confusion. We want to explain how to mitigate the setup for using Vive Tracker with IC.IDO.
Virtual Reality

New Physics Solver "ICA Stiff Solver" (USER)
IC.IDO 12.1 introduces the next generation of physics solver. The new solver focuses on improvements of performance and stability in general, but also puts focus on Elastic1D-Elastic1D and Elastic1D-Rigid contact situations resulting in improved collision handling and more realistic deformation of the Elastic1D shape. The new Physics Solver ‘ICA Stiff Solver’ is the new default solver in 12.1. This article explains about the main differences and improvements compared to the earlier solver, and gives hints for how to work with the new solver for achieving best user experience.
Frank Schoeffel Virtual Reality

Improve trimming with Overshoot
Trimming in PAM-STAMP can fail due to a too short trimming segment curve leading to not cut properly the blank mesh. This can be solved by using Overshoot option in PAM-DIEMAKER for CATIA V5.
Matthias Hoss Sheet Metal Forming

PAM-STAMP solver 2018.0.1 - Troubleshooting
Recommended file exchange in case of unexpected solver stop without error message. MPI change in case plateform mpi issue in DMP
Martin Holecek Sheet Metal Forming

Conversion Files .fdb in .erfh5 on Network Drive
It is not straightforward to do the conversion Files .fdb in .erfh5 on Network Drive in Visual Viewer. In order to make it work properly, it is necessary to map network drive to the local machine. In this way, the files on network could be handled like on local machine and the conversion from fdb to erf will be working properly.
Yonggang Duan Multiphysics, Welding & Assembly

Material Properties visualization
Check material properties on model
Sandrine Dischert Multiphysics

Smart computing with PAM-STAMP
Tips and tricks to reduce computational time for PAM-STAMP input files.
Vladimír Cerny Sheet Metal Forming

Tips for Immersive Workspace Parameters (USER)
This is a description of several parameters of the Immersive Workspace module within IC.IDO. This document helps you to understand the different parameters in order to set up your immersive environment for your needs.
Frank Schoeffel Virtual Reality

Switch Ergonomics module in IC.IDO 11.2 (ADMINISTRATOR)
IC.IDO 11.2 introduces the new IDO.ErgonomicsRAMSIS module with the digital human model based on RAMSIS, while still offering as well the previous IDO.Ergonomics module based on CharAT. If users need to switch frequently between the two modules, we describe here the required steps to set up a quick switching option.
Frank Schoeffel Virtual Reality