Tips & Tricks

Why it is useful to describe problems in terms of non-dimensional parameters and which ones are the main important in solidification?
A dimensionless quantity is a quantity without any physical units. Such a number is typically defi ned as a product or ratio of quantities which do have units, in such a way that all units cancel. Dimensionless quantities are widely used in the fields of physics and engineering but also in every day life.

Working with Solids in CFD-GEOM - Part 1: Boolean Operations
Given that today’s users may import several complex parts into CFD-GEOM, this tip will demonstrate how to use the Solid Boolean Union Option to combine several parts into one.
Abraham Meganathan CFD

Influences of Solidification Length and Pressure Intensification on Gas Shrinkage Microporosity in Casting Components
Porosity in castings is a major defect since it affects the mechanical properties. In particular porosities are sites for the initiation of fatigue cracks. Therefore, the reduction of porosity fraction and size, the control of porosity distribution and morphology are crucial for the optimization of mechanical resistance of as cast components.

Grouping parts during data import in CFD-VisCART
When dealing with complex industrial models such as cars and airplanes, hundreds of parts need to be managed. Each one of these parts may also be subdivided into different components. In order to easily manipulate these different parts and components in CFD-VisCART, you can make use of the grouping feature.
Abraham Meganathan CFD

Boundary layer meshing with CFD-ACE+ [video format]
The accuracy of a CFD solution is strongly dependent on how well the mesh resolves geometry and flow features. This is especially true for near wall regions (boundary layer) where viscous forces are not negligible compared to inertial forces.
Abraham Meganathan CFD

CFD-VisCART: Mesh Extrusion
In most CFD simulations, it is required to place inlets/outlets far enough from the region of interest in order to reduce their influence on the solution. In many applications, this can be done by extruding existing inlets/outlets BC patches away from the domain.
Abraham Meganathan CFD

Preserving boundaries between patches with CFD-VisCART’s Single Domain mesher
The ‘Preserve Features’ option does very well in preserving features between geometry patches – as long as the patches are not coplanar (dihedral angle = 0) or include a very small dihedral angle between them.
Abraham Meganathan CFD

CFD-VisCART: Suppression of parts for mesh generation
When performing an analysis comparing component A versus component B, it is useful to have both components stored in the same file for physical comparison and documentation purposes. However, when generating the mesh for the analysis, only one of the parts should be considered at a time. The "Suppress" option in CFD-VisCART makes this possible.
Abraham Meganathan CFD

CFD-VIEW: Working with cell-center data in batch mode
Many improvements have been made in CFD-VIEW that allows the manipulation of cell-center data. The latest cell-center data additions implemented in CFD-VIEW V2011.0 include, for example, support for the MinMax Probe and the Calculator.
Abraham Meganathan CFD

"Per Pixel Lighting" display option in CFD-VIEW
When visualizing CFD solutions, it is often of interest to see a particular range of variable values, and it is therefore useful to be able to clip the surface coloring to that range, as to obtain a clearer view of the areas affected by the variable.
Abraham Meganathan CFD