Tips & Tricks

PAM-STAMP solver 2018.0.1 - Troubleshooting
Recommended file exchange in case of unexpected solver stop without error message. MPI change in case plateform mpi issue in DMP
Martin Holecek Sheet Metal Forming

Trim and Shear Angles
Explanations about Trim and Shear Angles
Matthias Hoss Sheet Metal Forming

Smart computing with PAM-STAMP
Tips and tricks to reduce computational time for PAM-STAMP input files.
Vladimír Cerny Sheet Metal Forming

SEA : License error on the windows client side
License error on the windows client side But ping server works ok...->>Check the client firewall(s)! might have to be off

complex impedance spectrum from an NCT
How do I create a complex impedance spectrum from an NCT?,This can be achieved by using the standard utility script under FE & BEM Utilities > Create > Create Area Isolator from NCT.

Virtual TL: which surface is used in the computation
Virtual TL: which surface is used in the computation The area is obtained by the first layer, emission side.

How do I get sensor values using scripting?
Script prints Real and Imag values of selected sensor Usage: Run the script and specify the output results

Is there a QuickScript function to clear the undo buffer?
Use GUI_SendCommand(33124) It refreshes the 3D window and clears the undo-buffer.

How do I use QuickScript to delete temporary geometry?
The command is available from the GU

Quickscript for Double wall junctions
When creating a script to modify a double wall junction, running it may not affect results. If editing the script with GUI, then everything works.