Tips & Tricks

How to simulate welding process with variable weld speed and Heat power ?
In real process, the user changes the velocity depending to the distance already covered or still to cover in welding process. To better reproduce the start and the end of a welding process, the velocity must be able to vary during at least these two phases as well as the heat source power. And to be more generic, this feature introduces a time dependency of the heat source velocity and its power density.
Mandikizinoyou Taro Welding & Assembly, Virtual Performance, Virtual Integration Platform

Crack Mesh Application
To insert Crack in a 3D model, an application named Crack Insertion is available
Sandrine Dischert Multiphysics, Virtual Integration Platform

Visual-Assembly Overlap Resolve positioning
The most effective way how to position your distorted components into the clamping system.
Jan Bejvl Welding & Assembly, Virtual Integration Platform

3D Combine
As existing 2D Combine in Visual-Mesh, 3D Combine has been introduced to undone refinements.
Sandrine Dischert Multiphysics, Virtual Integration Platform

New pattern in Visual-Mesh 3D split
The aim of this new 3D pattern is to allow users to refine mesh on a restricted area
Sandrine Dischert Multiphysics, Virtual Integration Platform

Crash when launching Visual on CentOS
On Linux, at moment of launching Visual-Environmnet, crash happens after having selected Visual Weld. It is possible to try following steps to solve the problem. - Launching Visual in debug mode - Downgrade GlibC to 2.12 - Install freshly NTP
Yonggang Duan Virtual Integration Platform, Welding & Assembly

Boundary Layer Mesh tool demonstration
Easily creating a connection between a tetramesh and an hexamesh is possible, using Boundary Layer Mesh tool.
Sandrine Dischert Multiphysics, Welding & Assembly, Virtual Integration Platform

Coupling windows for postreatment visualization
When comparison between results is needed, coupling windows and synchronizing animations is a key tool.
Sandrine Dischert Multiphysics, Welding & Assembly, Virtual Integration Platform