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Making SMC decisions possible at early design phase
Besides their unbeatable weight performance, further deployment of Composite materials  in Automotive or Aerospace industries is limited by their overall cost & production rate. Because SMC bypass these limitations, it becomes a good candidate in the light weighting race Going a step further,...

Nuclear Sector - Optimal Manufacturing Process Qualification
Recent digitalization developments and the ever-increasing global competitiveness have made the utilization of virtual simulation tools and the collaboration between the physical world and the virtual work a key enabler for quality assurance as well as productivity to move towards the Factory 4.0....
Casting, Composites, Sheet Metal Forming, Welding & Assembly

Secteur Nucléaire - Qualification du Processus de Fabrication
Avec les progrès réalisés dans le domaine de la digitalisation numérique et dans un contexte industriel de plus en plus concurrentiel, les outils de simulation et de pilotage des données réels et virtuelles sont les clefs pour garantir l’assurance qualité et accélérer la transformation vers l’usine...
Casting, Composites, Sheet Metal Forming, Virtual Performance, Welding & Assembly

Smart Manufacturing of Composite and Plastic applications using virtual manufacturing solution from ESI
  Smart Manufacturing of Composite and Plastic applications using virtual manufacturing solution from ESI

Lightweight Component Manufacturing for Automotive & Aerospace Industries
Key Topics of Webinar:  1. To thrive OE’s and Suppliers towards light weighting technology thereby making use of composites and plastics helping them to maintain the cost effectiveness along with the compatibility for mass production. 2. Virtual Manufacturing solution for Composite and Plastics  

PAM-COMPOSITES 2020 Release Highlights
Find the latest updates and the release highlights of the PAM-COMPOSITES 2020 release. 

Creating an Innovative & Sustainable Vehicle with Composites
The transition from combustion engine vehicles (CEV) to battery powered electric vehicles (BEV) generates substantial challenges for the design process. The absence of supporting sub-structures, like the engine, as well as the diversity of battery configurations can cause a significant change in ...
Composites, Virtual Performance

Finding Success With Composites Through Virtual Manufacturing
Automakers strive to reach their goals for extending the range of electrified and traditional vehicles without sacrificing strength, stiffness, or performance. The aviation industry is seeing an increased need for larger volume production of components used throughout the aircraft. Moreover, if the...

Finding Success With Composites Through Virtual Manufacturing
Topics we’ll explore: When part design and materials design intersect Composites value stream and life cycle Validating product performance with manufacturing intent Trends and industry solutions

Transformation Digitale des PME, découvrez les avantages du programme SIMSEO
Intégrer de nouveaux marchés ou implanter des méthodes de production émergentes - Le risque associé à ces stratégies est souvent trop lourd à supporter pour les PME. Afin de rester à la tête de l'innovation, les fabricants de produits industriels doivent impérativement trouver des solutions afin de...
Casting, Composites, Sheet Metal Forming, Virtual Performance, Welding & Assembly