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Creating an Innovative & Sustainable Vehicle with Composites
The transition from combustion engine vehicles (CEV) to battery powered electric vehicles (BEV) generates substantial challenges for the design process. The absence of supporting sub-structures, like the engine, as well as the diversity of battery configurations can cause a significant change in ...
Composites, Virtual Performance

Finding Success With Composites Through Virtual Manufacturing
Automakers strive to reach their goals for extending the range of electrified and traditional vehicles without sacrificing strength, stiffness, or performance. The aviation industry is seeing an increased need for larger volume production of components used throughout the aircraft. Moreover, if the...

Finding Success With Composites Through Virtual Manufacturing
Topics we’ll explore: When part design and materials design intersect Composites value stream and life cycle Validating product performance with manufacturing intent Trends and industry solutions

Technological Advancement in Simulation to Control & Achieve Top Quality Die Casting (THAI)
This webinar is conducted in THAI language and will cover the following topics: Industry Trends Casting Industry Challenges Simulation Benefits Summary  

Manufacturing Innovative Aircrafts: Achieve high efficiency while keeping costs under control
KEY TOPICS : Design and optimize simultaneously the tooling and product itself from the early stage with virtual casting Enable manufacturers to secure novel production techniques such as additive manufacturing or highly automated composite processes.

Achieving Top Quality and Control Die Castings through Simulation
KEY TOPICS Die Temperature Control Die Casting Machine Integration Casting Defects Dimensional Control

Transformation Digitale des PME, découvrez les avantages du programme SIMSEO
Intégrer de nouveaux marchés ou implanter des méthodes de production émergentes - Le risque associé à ces stratégies est souvent trop lourd à supporter pour les PME. Afin de rester à la tête de l'innovation, les fabricants de produits industriels doivent impérativement trouver des solutions afin de...
Casting, Composites, Sheet Metal Forming, Virtual Performance, Welding & Assembly

Engineering & Manufacturing High Quality and Cost-Efficient Electrified Vehicles with the Best Possible Range
Mass adoption of Electrified Vehicles - The challenge is on for every OEMs Engineers and manufacturers as they are more than ever looking for solutions to develop High Quality and Cost-Efficient Vehicles. How is virtual prototyping revolutionizing design and manufacturing? In this webinar we will hi...
CFD, Composites, Sheet Metal Forming, System Modeling, Vibro-Acoustics, Virtual Performance, Virtual Reality, Virtual Seat, Virtual Systems & Controls, Welding & Assembly

Thermomechanical Behavior of Components in the Nuclear Industry
As nuclear plant operators are more than ever striving to meet compliance with regulatory authorities, a key challenge is providing safety guarantees of the power plant. Virtual Prototyping allows to analyze the challenges in mechanics, heat transfer, and electrotechnics therefore efficiently helpin...

Webinar - Fonderie gravité sable (French)
Quand il s'agit de produire de nouvelles pièces, la simulation facilite la conception et aide à réduire les tests physiques afin d'obtenir le bon système avant de produire. Découvrez comment par ce webinaire qui abordera les principales problèmatiques : Travailler directement à partir des fich...