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ESI Live 2023 - Virtual Assessment and Validation of Multi-Material Joining
In this session from the Virtual Body Chassis Manufacturing breakout track, Yannick Vincent, Senior Product Manager at ESI, leads the discussion about virtual assessment and validation of multi material joining. The session takes a closer look at how engineers can virtually manufacture, assemble and...
Casting, Composites, Sheet Metal Forming, Welding & Assembly

ESI Live 23 - Securing the Automotive Class A panels cosmetic quality through simulation coupled with AI
This presentation explores how multi material simulation is key to engineering future lightweight vehicles, and how engineers are getting it right first time by virtually designing and assessing components. This session focuses on securing automotive class a panel's cosmetic quality through simul...
Composites, Sheet Metal Forming, System Modeling, Welding & Assembly

Live Composite- SMC Workshop
Key Topics: ESI PAM-COMPOSITES introduction What is SMC? What does SMC simulation mean? Area of applications Live demo

Live Composite- RTM Workshop
Live Composite- RTM Workshop

Improving Performance & manufacturability of Lightweight Design
Watch this Video to explore "Improving Performance & manufacturability of Lightweight Design"

Smart Manufacturing and the lightweight requirements
Design and manufacturing, launch pad and recovery and reuse, this series offers solutions to the many challenges that the space industry faces.
Casting, Composites, Sheet Metal Forming, Virtual Performance

Making SMC decisions possible at early design phase
Besides their unbeatable weight performance, further deployment of Composite materials  in Automotive or Aerospace industries is limited by their overall cost & production rate. Because SMC bypass these limitations, it becomes a good candidate in the light weighting race Going a step further,...

Nuclear Sector - Optimal Manufacturing Process Qualification
Recent digitalization developments and the ever-increasing global competitiveness have made the utilization of virtual simulation tools and the collaboration between the physical world and the virtual work a key enabler for quality assurance as well as productivity to move towards the Factory 4.0....
Casting, Composites, Sheet Metal Forming, Welding & Assembly

Secteur Nucléaire - Qualification du Processus de Fabrication
Avec les progrès réalisés dans le domaine de la digitalisation numérique et dans un contexte industriel de plus en plus concurrentiel, les outils de simulation et de pilotage des données réels et virtuelles sont les clefs pour garantir l’assurance qualité et accélérer la transformation vers l’usine...
Casting, Composites, Sheet Metal Forming, Virtual Performance, Welding & Assembly

Smart Manufacturing of Composite and Plastic applications using virtual manufacturing solution from ESI
  Smart Manufacturing of Composite and Plastic applications using virtual manufacturing solution from ESI