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Transformation vers l'industrie 4.0 avec L'Hybrid TwinTM
ESI Group a développé un savoir-faire unique dans le Prototypage Virtuel qui adresse la performance opérationnelle du produit tout au long de son cycle de vie. La création d'un Jumeau Hybride (Hybrid TwinTM) couplant un modèle simulé basé sur la physique et un modèle spécifique construit...
System Modeling, Virtual Reality

Transform your EV testing infrastructure with ESI's Virtual Laboratory
Key Topics: 1. Pivotal collaborative efforts that let to success of our customers. 2. How manufacturing aspects influence the outcome of different tests (test as built) 3. How virtual testing enables to evaluate acoustic, crash, cooling, NVH performances 4. Learn about further state of the art...
CFD, System Modeling, Vibro-Acoustics, Virtual Performance, Virtual Reality, Welding & Assembly

Introduzione alla Modellazione di Sistema con SimulationX
SimulationX è una Soluzione di Simulazione sviluppata da ingegneri per ingegneri!​​​​​​ Si tratta di uno strumento facilmente integrabile nella vostra routine quotidiana e di facile utilizzo: SimulationX è lo strumento che vi affiancherà nel risolvere le vostre sfide di progettazione, simulando e...
System Modeling

Nuclear Sector - Optimal Manufacturing Process Qualification
Recent digitalization developments and the ever-increasing global competitiveness have made the utilization of virtual simulation tools and the collaboration between the physical world and the virtual work a key enabler for quality assurance as well as productivity to move towards the Factory 4.0....
Casting, Composites, Sheet Metal Forming, Welding & Assembly

Secteur Nucléaire - Qualification du Processus de Fabrication
Avec les progrès réalisés dans le domaine de la digitalisation numérique et dans un contexte industriel de plus en plus concurrentiel, les outils de simulation et de pilotage des données réels et virtuelles sont les clefs pour garantir l’assurance qualité et accélérer la transformation vers l’usine...
Casting, Composites, Sheet Metal Forming, Virtual Performance, Welding & Assembly

Smart Manufacturing for the Solids with ESI’s Casting and Heat Treatment Solution
  Key points: New developments in 2020 version CO Design Module Customer Success story Heat Treatment simulations for process optimization
Casting, Welding & Assembly

Full Frequency Vibro Acoustic Solution for Marine
The Marine industry is in constant evolution with improved construction methods and new materials, both presenting many challenges to engineers and designers for commercial and naval segments. As in many industries, simulation has become an important tool to support the design of ships. Vibro-aco...

Optimizing Interior noise for Electric Vehicles
Webinar Key Topics: Create predictive models for (H)EV noise performance Analyze different noise control treatments 

予測精度にこだわる!鋳造解析オンラインセミナー -高精度欠陥予測でコスト削減・試作レスを実現
本動画は、2020年4月23日に開催された 鋳造解析オンラインセミナーのコンテンツです。 フォームに必要項目にご入力の上、ご視聴ください。 ※類似製品をお取り扱いの会社様および本ソフトウェアに直接関係しないお客様のご登録はご遠慮頂いております。 ※フリーメール以外でのご登録をお願いいたします。 <概要> 実際にモノを作らずに欠陥予測を可能とするシミュレーション技術は、近年多くの産業分野における製造プロセスの最適化に活用されております。 鋳造においても、試作レスや工数削減など、生産技術の向上に大きく貢献できるツールとしてシミュレーションは地位を確立すること...

Co-Design for Casting: A bridge between Product Designers, Buyers & Manufacturers
The product design department has a crucial task to anticipate various design criterias within the design constraints imposed to arrive at a targeted product design, before crystalizing them into ideas and taking them further to build concepts which are passed on to build prototypes and finally the...