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Human Centric Operator & Service Validation
As design sets the stage for manufacturing and service, engineering teams must recognize people's interactions with their intended products and processes to ensure ease of production and maintenance. Using Virtual Reality during the design and industrialization review process to conduct human-cen...
Virtual Reality

Engineer & Manufacture Multi-Material Body and Chassis Assemblies with Confidence
  From frontloaded manufacturing feasibility assessment for design, over predictive performance analysis considering the manufacturing impact, through to the complete simulation and validation of the manufacturing processes early in the development – this introductory Webinar will explain our end...
Virtual Performance, Welding & Assembly

Heavy Machinery - Human Centric Product & Process Validation
The digitalization of product design and engineering is well accepted and practiced in most Heavy Machinery & Equipment engineering organizations—especially for those design attributes which have quantifiable standards and limits. Although when it comes to ergonomics and impact of human factors,...
Virtual Reality

Aerospace Stamping and Metal Forming issues and how suppliers are succeeding
Watch the on-demand recording and learn how Sheet Metal Forming and Joining simulation improves Sheet Metal Forming processes and contributes to shorter production times, reduction of manufacturing and assembly cost by assuring the required quality of the individual parts. Launch Vehicle Fabri...
Sheet Metal Forming

Smart Manufacturing and the lightweight requirements
Design and manufacturing, launch pad and recovery and reuse, this series offers solutions to the many challenges that the space industry faces.
Casting, Composites, Sheet Metal Forming, Virtual Performance

Transformation vers l'industrie 4.0 avec L'Hybrid TwinTM
ESI Group a développé un savoir-faire unique dans le Prototypage Virtuel qui adresse la performance opérationnelle du produit tout au long de son cycle de vie. La création d'un Jumeau Hybride (Hybrid TwinTM) couplant un modèle simulé basé sur la physique et un modèle spécifique construit...
System Modeling, Virtual Reality

Transform your EV testing infrastructure with ESI's Virtual Laboratory
Key Topics: 1. Pivotal collaborative efforts that let to success of our customers. 2. How manufacturing aspects influence the outcome of different tests (test as built) 3. How virtual testing enables to evaluate acoustic, crash, cooling, NVH performances 4. Learn about further state of the art...
CFD, System Modeling, Vibro-Acoustics, Virtual Performance, Virtual Reality, Welding & Assembly

Virtual Reality : a Solution for Building, Maintenance or plant Dismantling
With the development of Industry 4.0, Virtual Reality has become essential in order to address decision making challenges. It enables engineers to evaluate complex situations while improving design, enhancing engineering processes productivity and integrating human-centric interactions. Virtual Real...
Virtual Reality

La Réalité Virtuelle : une solution pour les usines à construire, en service ou en démantèlement
Avec le développement de l’Industrie 4.0, la Réalité Virtuelle est devenue un outil indispensable pour traiter les challenges liés à la prise de décision. Elle permet d’évaluer des situations complexes tout en améliorant la conception, en rendant les processus d’ingénierie plus productifs et en reme...
Virtual Reality

Nuclear Sector - Optimal Manufacturing Process Qualification
Recent digitalization developments and the ever-increasing global competitiveness have made the utilization of virtual simulation tools and the collaboration between the physical world and the virtual work a key enabler for quality assurance as well as productivity to move towards the Factory 4.0....
Casting, Composites, Sheet Metal Forming, Welding & Assembly