Tips & Tricks

Making Plots Along Constant Radius Curves
How do I plot a variable along the circumference of a circle or circular arc? The above query has been made several times by CFD-ACE+ users. In case of cylindrical geometry, it’s very useful to have a plot of the desired variable along a circle of certain radius.
Abraham Meganathan CFD

Creating Strip Charts in CFD-VIEW
The Strip Chart feature in CFD-VIEW is a very useful tool for analyzing time dependent quantities from transient simulations. The feature can be found in the second row of the Operator Palette as shown. This note provides you with an overview of how to use and implement the Strip Chart feature.
Abraham Meganathan CFD

Parametric Studies Using SimManager
Parametric studies are an important aspect of CFD analysis. Parametric studies are used to perform trend base analyses, optimize the deign of a device, and/or to study the affect of different parameters on a process (What if? type analysis).
Abraham Meganathan CFD

How to Compare the Model Setup Between Two DTF Files
Have you ever wanted to find the differences between two DTF files? If you have, then you will probably be interested in a DTF utility included in your ESI Software installation. The utility is called dtf_diff and can be found in your UTILS_2009.0/bin directory.
Abraham Meganathan CFD

CFD-ACE+ and CFD-TOPO Coupling
There is a growing demand and challenge in different industries, especially semiconductor and MEMS areas, to have increased wafer size with reduced feature size, i.e. high quality process uniformity.
Abraham Meganathan CFD

DTF utility: the -vd and -ud options
The DTF utility offers several options for viewing and manipulating simulation data in a DTF file. Simulation data is essentially all settings that are not Volume Conditions or Boundary Conditions. By using a couple of DTF commands, you can update the data in the DTF file without opening it in CFD-ACE-GUI. In this tip, we will demonstrate how to use the -vd and -ud options of the DTF utility.
Abraham Meganathan CFD

CFD-TOPO: A Tool for Feature Scale Simulation of Semiconductor Processes
CFD-TOPO is a simulation tool that predicts how the shape of entities change due to the combined effects of chemical species transport and surface reactions at gas-solid interfaces. This application provides a wide array of tools to analyze the steps of a semiconductor process on the feature scale of a device (typically the order of micro-meter).
Abraham Meganathan CFD

File Based Animation with CFD-VIEW
The animation panel in CFD-VIEW can be used for file-based animations, where time dependent data files are loaded one by one to show the temporal aspects of the simulation.
Abraham Meganathan CFD