Tips & Tricks

How to simulate welding process with variable weld speed and Heat power ?
In real process, the user changes the velocity depending to the distance already covered or still to cover in welding process. To better reproduce the start and the end of a welding process, the velocity must be able to vary during at least these two phases as well as the heat source power. And to be more generic, this feature introduces a time dependency of the heat source velocity and its power density.
Mandikizinoyou Taro Welding & Assembly, Virtual Performance, Virtual Integration Platform

e-Café #2 PYFUN, PYSTOP - Programmer ses propres critères d'arrêt de calcul
Comment programmer des critères d'arrêt de calcul en Python
Jean-Charles Paulin Virtual Performance

e-Café #1- Construire sa propre carte matière MMAT à l’aide de Visual-Crash PAM
Construire sa propre carte matière MMAT à l’aide de Visual-Crash PAM
Maximilien Jouy Virtual Performance

How do I create an SEA cavity using shrinkwrap?
How to create FE acoustic cavities with complex shapes
Ricardo Alvarez CFD, Vibro-Acoustics

Auto Empty Folders option in CFD-GEOM
When importing large models into CFD-GEOM, you may notice that certain entities listed in the Model Manager may have a red box around them.
Abraham Meganathan CFD

Adding Baffles to an Unstructured domain in CFD-GEOM
While meshing the geometries of industrial significance like mixing tanks, reactor and heat exchangers, we may encounter baffles which have negligible thickness but significant area to impact the physics of the problem in terms of momentum and heat transfer. These surfaces may be free-standing or connected to other surfaces from the domain.
Abraham Meganathan CFD

Managing Multiple STAGE with Virtual Performance Solution (VPS)
This tip provides some information on the usage of multi stage runs in Virtual Performance Solution (VPS)
Jean-Christophe Allain Virtual Performance

Using Inertial Relief
This tip provides some background information on how to model static cases without considering the effect of boundary conditions in Virtual Performance Solution (VPS)
Jean-Christophe Allain Virtual Performance

Preloading BOLTS
This tip provides methodology to pre stress elements in Virtual Performance Solution (VPS) to model Bolt assemblies.
Jean-Christophe Allain Virtual Performance

New Mesh Sources in CFD-GEOM for Triangle and Tetrahedral meshing
Corner Point Sources, Surface Interior Sources and Tet Sources have been available in CFD-GEOM for several years, allowing for refinements during certain phases of mesh generation.
Abraham Meganathan CFD