Tips & Tricks

Adding Baffles to an Unstructured domain in CFD-GEOM
While meshing the geometries of industrial significance like mixing tanks, reactor and heat exchangers, we may encounter baffles which have negligible thickness but significant area to impact the physics of the problem in terms of momentum and heat transfer. These surfaces may be free-standing or connected to other surfaces from the domain.
Abraham Meganathan CFD

New Mesh Sources in CFD-GEOM for Triangle and Tetrahedral meshing
Corner Point Sources, Surface Interior Sources and Tet Sources have been available in CFD-GEOM for several years, allowing for refinements during certain phases of mesh generation.
Abraham Meganathan CFD

Importing an arbitrary STL surface for post-processing in CFD VIEW
When using the Arbitrary-Cut operator, you have the option to directly import an external surface in STL format into the model. This option, which was first made available in V2013.4, underwent significant performance improvements in V2014.0. This option provides the ability to plot data and process information on any arbitrarily shaped surface. The import process involves reading the STL file and computing the intersections between this surface and the model’s volume cells. Results on the imported surface are interpolated from the intersected volume cells and are independent of the surface mesh size of the STL as long as the surface is properly represented.
Abraham Meganathan CFD

Arbitrarily 3D shaped surfaces
This paper illustrates the modeling process to be applied by a Visual-Mesh user with the objective of creating one arbitrarily 3D shaped surface starting from scratch.
Jean-Claude Kedzia Virtual Integration Platform

How to fill multiple holes of different shapes and sizes on a plate?
Using Visual-Mesh, you can fill small holes of different diameters with a surface easily. This can be achieved with the Surface Trim option available in the surface menu.
Rupesh Jayaprakash Virtual Integration Platform

How does Batch Mode execution work in Visual-Environment?
To run the scripts in Batch mode
Sreekanth Puttananjappa Virtual Integration Platform

How to filter entities in the Explorer?
You can filter entities based on Name and ID and also list the referred entities
Sreekanth Puttananjappa Virtual Integration Platform

How to create your own toolbars in Visual-Environment?
You can create your own toolbars using Tools->Customize
Sreekanth Puttananjappa Virtual Integration Platform

How to change user home location in Visual-Environment?
You can change the Home and Temporary directory path from General Preference or from the Variables
Sreekanth Puttananjappa Virtual Integration Platform

How to make an advanced selection in Visual-Environment?
Advanced Selection allows you to select entities in different ways such as column wise, sheet wise, etc. It also allows you to stop the selection at non manifold T-Sections based on feature angle.
Virtual Integration Platform