Tips & Tricks

How to simulate welding process with variable weld speed and Heat power ?
In real process, the user changes the velocity depending to the distance already covered or still to cover in welding process. To better reproduce the start and the end of a welding process, the velocity must be able to vary during at least these two phases as well as the heat source power. And to be more generic, this feature introduces a time dependency of the heat source velocity and its power density.
Mandikizinoyou Taro Welding & Assembly, Virtual Performance, Virtual Integration Platform

e-Café #2 PYFUN, PYSTOP - Programmer ses propres critères d'arrêt de calcul
Comment programmer des critères d'arrêt de calcul en Python
Jean-Charles Paulin Virtual Performance

Physical Optics (PO) VS. Geometrical Optics (GO)
The purpose of this article is to compare two High Frequency formalisms, namely Physical Optics & Geometrical Optics, with a brief overview of their advantages & drawbacks.
Jean-Claude Kedzia Electromagnetics