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Tutorials and Model Library
City bus - SEA model
This SEA model is representative of a generic city bus.
the aim of this model is to predict sound pressure distribution through acoustic cavities due to :
- Engine noise source defined as an acoustic power injected in the engine reverberant field.
- Wheels noise source defined a...
Getting Started
Antenna - FE-BEM model and stress recovery
This FE-BEM model is representative of a parabolic antenna subjected to an acoustic loading. The aim of this model is to :
- Predict stress level on the antenna structure due to the diffuse acoustic loading
- Predict exterior sound level due to the acoustic loading and the antenna st...
Getting Started
ESI Player 1.0 - New Update
This video is a basic introduction to access and use ESI-Player 1.0. It shows how to login or create a VisualDSS Cloud account.
It is also explained how to upload, download and share files and showing new functionalities, e.g. measure distance between 2 parts.
Virtual Integration Platform, Virtual Performance
Getting Started
ESI Player 1.0 - Homepage Options
This video is about how to access local or cloud-based files in ESI-Player. It also shows integrated communication options to connect with ESI support.
Virtual Integration Platform
Not set
ESI Player 1.0 - Model & Toolbar Funtionalities
This video demonstrates functionalities, display modes, animation options, section cuts, contour display and settings. It also shows how to display part details and upload files to VisualDSS Cloud.
Virtual Integration Platform
Not set
ESI Player 1.0 - Overlay Functionality
This video shows step by step how to overlay two models and display model attributes. It also describes how to animate two selected models and how to edit model attributes of both selected models.
Virtual Integration Platform
Not set
How to do Roll Hemming
Roll-hemming is used for the manufacture of low to medium production volumes. The flange of the outer panel is bent over the inner panel in progressive steps by means of the roller hemming head. The process allows the advantage of using the robot controlled hemming head to hem several different c...
Sheet Metal Forming
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ESI Hood Inner - From Die Face Design to Simulation
Tutorial to show how to perform the workflow from Die Face Design with data from PAM-DIEMAKER for CATIA V5 to simulation in PAM-STAMP with the ESI Hood Inner, which is a standard forming case.
Find here attached data, case, tutorial presentation and a movie to show the workflow from import...
Sheet Metal Forming
Not set
How to do Super Plastic Forming (SPF) simulation
Superplastic forming (SPF) is a process which enables geometrically complex shapes to be created from Titanium, Aluminum and Magnesium alloys. Forming is at a specified relatively high temperature and at a specified low maximal strain rate. With these conditions we are able to reach elongations o...
Sheet Metal Forming
Getting Started from Design to compensation - Front Hood Reinforcement
Find here an interesting getting started with Pamstamp based on a Front Hood Reinforcement (FHR) example.
Sheet Metal Forming
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