OpenFOAM - Fire Modeling

Learn how to use effectively OpenFOAM to fire safety applications for the design of buildings, car parks, tunnels and others..
CFD Engineers with interest in in fire modeling.

The course summarises theoretical background behind fire safety simulations including advanced turbulence modelling with LES; combustion modelling in OpenFOAM as well as Lagrangian multiphase flows. A specific chapter is dedicated to the meshing of arbitrary geometry with snappyHexMesh. During the practical sessions, participants will compare different modelling approaches with the well known Steckler validation case. Further cases provide participants with the opportunity to investigate, discuss and understand more complex fire modelling scenarios.

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Day 1

  • OpenFOAM capabilities for fire modelling
  • Best Practices for the meshing of complex geometries using snappyHexMesh
  • Turbulence modelling with LES and DES
  • Combustion modelling – reaction kinetic schemes, EDM
  • Radiation model setup – P1, DOM
  • Smoke extraction and ventilation
  • Modelling jet fans, ventilators, and other boundary conditions
  • Best practices for numerics and efficient parallel running
  • Hands-on:
    • Steckler validation case