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What's New in VA ONE 2024.0
Watch the Dec 2024 recording of "What's New in VA ONE 2024.0"   This new major release offers Numerical SEA, a new method using component FE models to gain accuracy for complex structures that are difficult to model with classical, analytical SEA, in addition to General Surface Pressure load s...

자동차 산업에서의 다중소재 접합 및 조립 해석 기술 동향 (Trends in Multi-Material Joining and Assembly Analysis for the Automotive Industry)
자동차 산업에서의 다중소재 접합 및 조립 해석 기술 동향 이번 발표에서는 자동차 산업에서 다중소재를 효과적으로 접합하고 조립하는 기술의 동향을 살펴보며, ▲다중소재 접합 및 조립 해석의 중요성, ▲자동차 부품 생산 과정에서 해석 활용 방안, ▲향후 기술 발전이 자동차 설계 성능에 미치는 영향 등을 핵심 주제로 다룰 예정이다. ESI Group 소개 자동차 산업에서의 Multi-Material Joining & Assembly 동향 및 당면과제 Virtual Multi-Material Joining...
Welding & Assembly

Future-Ready Engineering: Leveraging Composite Simulation for Automotive and Aerospace Applications
Take a deep dive into our composites portfolio, featuring several use cases demonstrating the value of composites simulation in the Automotive and Aerospace industries.

VA One User Group: Frequency parallel solving with Grid
Did you know that VA One allows you to solve multiple frequencies at the same time? Frequency parallel solving is built-in with the software as a command line tool known as "grid" This presentation is covers: The basics of the feature, Where to find documentation, Running an example on a...

SimulationX 2024 Short Release Highlights
In this short video learn about the various important updates that you’ll get in the newly released SimulationX 2024! Andreas Abel, Product Manager for SimulationX takes you through the overview of this release and shows you quickly how these features and new updates can help you build, test and opt...
System Modeling

Automotive Exterior Acoustics - A short conversation on PBN and AVAS
AVAS and PBN are the biggest challenges for automotive exterior acoustics. In this webinar you will learn: What are the main acoustic challenges for exterior acoustics in automotive, especially for Electric Vehicles? How ESI Vibroacoustics solutions can help to address AVAS and PBN The mai...

High Frequency Interior Acoustics - SEA Overview
Statistical Energy Analysis is ESI’s cornerstone for High Frequency Interior Acoustics analysis. In this webinar you will learn: What is SEA, what is fundamental principle behind it and when to use it? What are the advantages of SEA and the differences with Finite Elements? Why is trim eng...

Interior Acoustics - Finite Element Overview
Finite Element Method is ESI’s cornerstone for Low Frequency Interior Acoustics analysis. In this webinar you will learn: What is the role of finite element in the context of vibroacoustics? What are the main acoustic sources in electric vehicles? How VPS NVH can help OEMs for road noise?...

Space Structural Dynamics - A short conversation - Vibro-Acoustic space Applications
In space structural applications traditional testing methods can be expensive and time- consuming, therefore, there is the need for accurate simulation tools. In this webinar you will learn: What are the main vibroacoustic challenges in the space industry? How ESI Vibroacoustics solutions ca...

VA One User Group: VA One Customization
In this webinar, we are walking through the VA One GUI and highlight commonly overlooked menus and options to personalize the 3D windows; making custom toolbars; and providing a guide for changing default settings to make VA One work more efficiently for users. The presentation is accompanied by liv...