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What's New - SimulationX 4.4
This video will cover the most important highlights of the latest release from SimulationX. For the full updates please refer to the latest release  notes 
System Modeling

Webinar - VA One 2022 What's New
The VA One 2022 release places key focus on an accelerated BEM solver using H-matrix to support coupled (indirect) and uncoupled applications relevant for most vehicle applications, offering a substantial reduction of memory used and CPU time for many models.  There are also additional improvements...

Planning for MRO Engineering Virtually
When eXtended Reality, XR, is discussed for service and maintenance, one of the first topics that comes to mind is the use of Augmented Reality (AR) devices serving digital work instructions or real-time state reports. AR can overlay 3D views and work instructions onto real-world views, which is a t...
Virtual Reality

Simulate the Complete Casting Process to reduce defects
During the development phase of new parts, simulation facilitates the design of tools, predicts and quantifies defects. The objective is to reduce the number of physical attempts in order to achieve the "right the first time". Simulation allows cast parts manufacturers to test their casting proce...

Local Joining Process & Performance
With regards to the electrification challenge, multi-material assemblies are critical to producing vehicle bodies with the best cost-lightweight ratio and increasing energy efficiency during production. However, higher investments for powertrains translate into more conservative investments for the...
Welding & Assembly

Virtual Product Design & Integration Validation
Amid their industries’ digital transformations, enterprises are designing many first-of-their-kind products—Urban air-taxis, autonomous vehicles, electric drivetrains, and other disruptive product variants—that will face different problems than their historic offerings, since not all experience in p...
Virtual Reality

「解析と実機が合わない」「精度向上のためには何が必要なの」と感じた経験はございませんか?プレス成形解析において材料特性は解析精度に大きく影響します。この度、プレス成形解析を利用中の方、これから導入をご検討の方向けにシミュレーションの基本である材料特性に焦点を当てたオンラインセミナーを開催いたしました。 本セミナー前半では日本大学 高橋進先生より昨今のプレス加工事情からプレス成形速度での引張試験と成形解析についてご講演いただいております。 本セミナー終盤ではPAM-STAMPの材料物性算出ツールESI Mat-Wizardについてもご紹介いたします。 ぜひご視聴ください。...
Sheet Metal Forming

Meeting the design specifications of Air Suspension systems using Systems Simulation
Download our on-demand webinar to learn how to ensure that the pneumatic systems meet the specifications dictated either by the regulations or by the market requirements through systems simulation. Watch our expert Mr. Carsten Obenaus demonstrate how to address challenges related to pneumatic sys...
System Modeling

IC.IDO 16.0 Release Highlights
We are pleased to announce the expected shipment of ESI IC.IDO 16.0, our latest innovative version of Extended Reality (XR) powered engineering software. Extending the value unlocked in previous versions, Version 16.0 brings further refinements, enhancements, and updates to user experience, while ad...
Virtual Reality

オンラインセミナー:DXによる鋳造プロセス改善 – 鋳造熱応力変形におけるシミュレーションの活用-
鋳造シミュレーションは日本の市場に登場して久しく高い信頼を獲得している一方で、鋳造プロセス検討においてデジタル評価が進んでいない領域は数多く存在します。熱応力もその一つですが、鋳造シミュレーションは溶湯の流動や凝固過をターゲットとした技術が支配的で、構造の熱応力へアプローチするソリューションはそれほど多くないのが現状です。 しかし変形による寸法NGや熱間亀裂などは単純な方案検討で解決しないケースも多く、最悪の場合は金型の作り直しといった、手戻りにもつながるため、流動や凝固で発生する問題と同様に非常に重要な課題です。そして昨今のCO2排出規制による製品の軽量化傾向は、部品の薄肉化・低剛性化につ...