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Click HERE to view upcoming webinars. (Corporate Website).


Live Composite- RTM Workshop
Live Composite- RTM Workshop

Human Centric Operator & Service Validation
As design sets the stage for manufacturing and service, engineering teams must recognize people's interactions with their intended products and processes to ensure ease of production and maintenance. Using Virtual Reality during the design and industrialization review process to conduct human-cen...
Virtual Reality

Engineer & Manufacture Multi-Material Body and Chassis Assemblies with Confidence
  From frontloaded manufacturing feasibility assessment for design, over predictive performance analysis considering the manufacturing impact, through to the complete simulation and validation of the manufacturing processes early in the development – this introductory Webinar will explain our end...
Virtual Performance, Welding & Assembly

Heavy Industry - Machine Performance & Productivity
  As digitalization of engineering validation workflows accelerates, the replacement of physical prototypes and pre-production products has escalated possible gaps in product development. Namely, the lack of physical testing at the product proving grounds to inform product development. For produc...
System Modeling, Virtual Performance

Live FOAM-X & NOVA Workshop On 27th April 2021
Live FOAM-X & NOVA Workshop On 27th April 2021

Achieving Top Quality Die Castings through Simulation
Achieving Top Quality Die Castings through Simulation

Co-Design for Casting: A bridge between Product Designers, Buyers & Manufacturers
Co-Design for Casting: A bridge between Product Designers, Buyers & Manufacturers

Smart Manufacturing- Casting Solution for Sandcasting to keep up with production and design during Pandemic
Smart Manufacturing- Casting Solution for Sandcasting to keep up with production and design during Pandemic

Improving Performance & manufacturability of Lightweight Design
Watch this Video to explore "Improving Performance & manufacturability of Lightweight Design"

Crash, Impact and Shock Analysis of Aerospace Structures
This webinar, designed for engineers and scientists from industry and research centers, offers solutions to the many manufacturing challenges that the space industry faces. Register and learn how to design for crash and ditching survivability of Aerostructures as well as foreign object damage con...
Vibro-Acoustics, Virtual Performance